Stay on top of your operations
FedEx Data
Dashboard view for critical metrics at-a-glance
The moment you import your settlement you’ve got key numbers in front of you, as well as alerts to problems found this week
Dashboard view for critical metrics at-a-glance
The moment you import your settlement you’ve got key numbers in front of you, as well as alerts to problems found this week
Compliance issues jump out at you
Stay on top of driver and truck compliance dates with handy color coding reminders
Driver reviews become a snap
Detailed driver history over time available whenever you need it. Same goes for trucks.
Compliance issues jump out at you
Stay on top of driver and truck compliance dates with handy color coding reminders
Driver reviews become a snap
Detailed driver history over time available whenever you need it. Same goes for trucks.
Bring your operations data into your P&L
Every settlement can be exported into a G/L friendly format for import into your accounting system, so you can do detailed truck-level P&Ls. Your accountant will love you.
Bring your operations data into your P&L
Every settlement can be exported into a G/L friendly format for import into your accounting system, so you can do detailed truck-level P&Ls. Your accountant will love you.